Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rebecca Zhu is the winner of Miss Hong Kong 2011 held on August 7, 2011

MISS HONG KONG PAGEANT 2011 FINAL RESULT - Rebecca Zhu is the winner of Miss Hong Kong 2011 held on August 7, 2011

MISS HONG KONG 2011 - Rebecca Zhu

Miss Hong Kong 2011 - Rebecca Zhu

Miss Hong Kong 2011 - Rebecca Zhu

Miss Hong Kong 2011 1st Runner-up - Hyman

Miss Hong Kong 2011 2nd Runner-up - Whitney
最后八强 TOP 8

1. 朱晨丽 Rebecca
2. 朱希敏 Hyman
3. 许亦妮 Whitney
4. 麦美恩 Mayanne
5. 梁丽翘 Nicole
6. 甄敏婷 Janey Yan
7. 林慧倩 Giselle
8. 胡中慧 Sandy Wu

其它大奖 Other Awards

最受欢迎大奖 Most Favourite Award:朱晨丽 Rebecca

最佳时尚奖 Most Fashionable Award: 朱晨丽 Rebecca

旅游大使奖Tourism Ambassador: 梁丽翘 Nicole

欢乐大使奖: 朱晨丽 Rebecca

国际亲善小姐 Miss International Goodwill Award: 麦美恩 Mayanne

最上镜小姐奖 MissPhotogenic: 许亦妮 Whitney

2011 香港小姐冠军 Miss Hong Kong 2011: 朱晨丽 Rebecca

2011 香港小姐亚军 Miss Hong Kong 1st Runner-up:朱希敏 Hyman

2011 香港小姐季军Miss Hong Kong 2nd Runner-up: 许亦妮 Whitney

2011 香港小姐殿军Miss Hong Kong 3rd Runner-up:麦美恩 Mayanne

Credits to/source:
Astro Wah Lai Toi
and all sources

Miss Hong Kong 2011 - Rebecca Zhu (23, 5'6'') (Will represent Hong Kong in Miss Chinese International 2011 Pageant)

1st Runner-up - #14 Hyman Chu (22, 5'10'')

2nd Runner-up - #3 Whitney Hui (22, 5'4'')

*If Miss Chinese International 2011 takes place in November, Rebecca will be sent to compete in MCIP 2011 instead of Miss World, just like what happened last year, the 1st Runner-up will most likely be sent to Miss World. Anything could happen, stay tuned.

Courtesy of TVB

Credits to/source:
and all sources

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