Malaysian student is tops again in Singapore
PETALING JAYA: For the third year in a row, a Malaysian has become a top scorer in the island republic, with Chia Pei Yun scoring 10 A1s in Singapore’s GCE O-level exams.
The 16-year-old student of the St Nicholas Girls’ School (SNGS) loves to read, practise handicraft and play the piano.
Chia, from Damansara Utama here, said she was a down-to-earth person and a “normal teenager” who was often on Facebook in her free time.

The Asean scholar managed to score As in Mathematics, English, English Literature, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Huma-nities, Malay and Chinese.
According to Chia, she managed to achieve her excellent results through perseverance in revising throughout the year.
“This helped me relax when the exams approached,” she said in a telephone interview.
Chia said she was focused and determined in her journey towards achieving the position of top scorer in the GCE O-level exams.
“When I am away from home, I miss my family a lot but I do not let my feelings get in the way of my studies,” she added.
According to SNGS principal Chan Wan Siang, Chia was a hardworking girl who was always positive and willing to learn.
“Pei Yun loves music and was a level coordinator in the school choir,” she said.
Chan is proud at the school’s achievement in having top O-level scorers for three years in a row.
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