Actors shortlisted for 4th Bourne flick - Who’s going to be the next leading man in the next Bourne film?

Actors shortlisted for 4th Bourne flick

Who’s going to be the next leading man in the next Bourne film?

A round of guessing game on who’s going to fill in Matt Damon’s shoes began when the Oscar-nominated actor announced that he will not be starring in The Bourne Legacy, the fourth Bourne film which will not feature the character of Jason Bourne.

(From left) Tobey Maguire, Josh Harnett and Jake Gyllenhaal are rumoured to be among the actors that are shortlisted to star in The Bourne Legacy. (image source: The Guardian)

(From left) Tobey Maguire, Josh Harnett and Jake Gyllenhaal are rumoured to be among the actors that are shortlisted to star in The Bourne Legacy. (image source: The Guardian)

A brand new story that is inspired by the amnesiac spy, the film will be directed by Tony Gilroy and will feature "a whole new hero".

A string of names are rumoured to be on the shortlist. Among them are Jake Gyllenhaal, Garrett Hedlund, Tobey Maguire, Taylor Kitsch, Kellan Lutz, Josh Hartnett, Michael Fassbender and Alex Pettyfer.

A decision shall be reached one of these days, as shooting is slated to commence this spring and the film will be released in Aug 2012.

Source: E! Online

Published Feb 26 2011

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