A MOTHER of four’s wish to regain her figure went awry when her slimming treatment caused severe itchiness instead

Teacher’s slimming ‘hot blanket’ leads to itchiness
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Compiled by Qishin Tariq

A MOTHER of four’s wish to regain her figure went awry when her slimming treatment caused severe itchiness instead.

“My husband gave me RM10,000 to get a ‘hot blanket’ slimming treatment at a well-known beauty centre in Taman Johor Jaya last November,” said Hasnah (not her real name), a teacher in Johor Baru.

According to her, the itchiness started after her third slimming session, Harian Metro reported.

“I ignored it and kept going for the treatment until my seventh session, at which point, my condition worsened considerably,” she said.

Hasnah said her condition led to depression as her husband became increasingly distant and her students remarked about her constant scratching.

“My husband became cold towards me and even my children asked whether it was safe to eat the food I cooked,” she said.

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