Happy 125th birthday, Daimler - German automaker Daimler AG turns 125 years old on Jan 29.

Happy 125th birthday, Daimler

German automaker Daimler AG turns 125 years old on Jan 29.

As part of its birthday celebration, the company says it's marking the 125th anniversary of Carl Benz's first automobile patent by sending its new electricity-generating fuel-cell car on a 125-day trip around the world.

Benz - a co-founder of Benz & Co, one of Daimler's forefathers - is credited with creating the world's first vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine. He filed his patent on Jan 29, 1886.

The company says Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel and others will be at its Stuttgart headquarters on Saturday to send three B-Class F-Cell sedans on their way.

The cars are to travel nearly 30,000km through 14 countries on four continents before returning to Stuttgart.

CEO Dieter Zetsche said on Friday the trip shows 'we have enough pioneer spirit for at least another 125 years of innovation'.

Source: AP
Published Jan 29 2011

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