One Million Star Taiwan
One Million Star (traditional Chinese: 超級星光大道; pinyin: chāo jí xīng guāng dà dào) is a popular televised singing competition in Taiwan. It was first aired on CTV on 5 January 2007, shown every Friday from 22:00 to 24:00. Hosted by Matilda Tao (陶晶瑩), the aim of the show is to gather young people who have talent in singing so as to find the one that has the best qualities to become a superstar
Season 7 winners:
Premiere Date: August 27, 2010
Winner: Jess Lee (李佳薇)
Runner Up: Sun Xiao Liang (孫曉亮)
2nd Runner-up: Christmas Bai (白潮洛蒙)
Million Star Gang / Top 10
* Wendy Wang (王雯)
* Christmas Bai (白潮洛蒙)
* Jess Lee (李佳薇)
* Sisi Shi (施旭婧)
* Hu Huai Lang (胡淮浪)
* Sun Xiao Liang (孫曉亮)
* Canon Chang (常佳寧)
* Pink Tan (陳珂冰)
* Wu Si Ai, Usay(舞思愛)
* Erika Liu (劉艾立)
Credits to and source taken from:
Malaysia Boleh! 李佳薇4满分创记录
二零一一年一月三十一日 凌晨十二时二十五分
《星 光7》总决赛于周日晚8时举行,由Astro AEC(第301频道)现场直播。除了6强大比拼外,还有FIR,潘玮柏,黄小琥与萧煌奇分段表演。6强参赛者,包括大马选手李佳薇、陈珂冰,舞思爱、孙 晓亮、白潮洛蒙、Erika (刘艾立),洒下浑身解数,尽量表现出最好的一面。
这长达3小时半的赛事分两个阶段进行,在第1阶段赛事 后,李佳薇越战越勇,以《回家》再夺第3个满分。评审之一黄韵玲更激动哭了,大赞李佳薇已经可以参加国际大赛,她说,“我最近每天都在看重播,从第1届到 现在,就算我看到头发都白了,还是要坐在这个位子上,就是在期待这样的好声音。”李佳薇细腻的真假音转换,被黄韵玲称非常用心,想得比别人多几倍。
第 2阶段演唱前,在陶晶莹(陶子)要求下,李佳薇以国语向大马观众问好,她说,“Terima kasih kerana menyokong saya, saya akan buat yang terbaik, saya boleh, Malaysia boleh!”
Courtesy of the source: 光华日报
Credits to and source taken from:
Video clips of One Million Star Grand Final Season 7 on January 30, 2011
Video clips from: 2011-01-30 超級星光大道 - 星光7 總冠軍賽 Part 1/12 - Part 12
Credits co and source taken from: sugoishow3 Channel
Special video clips of Lee Kar Wei winner of One Million Star Season 7 in Malaysian Idol - She has a very good voice:
Credits to and source taken from:
shukriey Channel

Jess Lee (left) receiving her prizes after winning the competition
Jess Lee wins 'One Million Star'
Malaysian Jess Lee won the One Million Star, the most popular singing competition in Taiwan.
The 23-year-old from Seremban, Negri Sembilan, won the contest with an overall super high mark of 29.2 over 30.
She walked away with a contract with Warner Music and NT$1mil (RM105,418).
In the first round, Lee obtained full point from all the judges with Shunza's song Coming Home.
She sang Beyonce's Listen in the second round.
"(I'm) very happy and thankful. Thank you for all your support in order for me to be on his stage.
Pink Tan
Pink Tan
"I thank my parents and my singing teacher of 14 years. I never thought that you all will come to support me," said Lee.
She also spoke in Malay to thank the Malaysian supporters, saying she would do her best in the Malaysia Boleh (Malaysia Can) spirit.
Another Malaysian finalist Pink Tan, 24, from Tawau, Sabah, was in the sixth place of the competition held in Taipei, on Sunday.
The second place won by Sun Xiaoliang of China, and the third place winner is Usay Wu Si Ai of Taiwan, followed by Christmas Bai of China.
To listen to Lee sings Coming Home, click here.
Published Jan 31 2011
Credits to and source taken from:
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