How to Identify Symptoms & Treat Symptoms Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure is a sudden failure of the kidneys to function. The kidneys are important to several body functions, one of which is to filter wastes from the body. This type of kidney function loss usually occurs with severe symptoms and may develop rapidly to a life threatening condition.Causes for acute kidney failure may include congestive heart failure, kidney stones, accidents involving trauma to the kidneys, and fluid or electrolyte imbalances. Learning how to identify symptoms and obtain treatment is vital in order to prevent complications that may include shock, seizures, coma and even death.

Step 1
Watch for signs of decreased urine output and increased thirst. If you have increased your fluid levels and still notice a drop in output, notify your doctor immediately.

Step 2
Note what types of medications you are taking. Some medications may affect kidney function. If you notice a drastic change in your ability to produce urine, let your physician know so that medication doses may be altered, decreased or eliminated.

Step 3
Be alert for inability to urinate despite efforts to increase fluid intake. Visit an emergency room immediately. Tests to determine blood and urine levels as well as those that measure kidney function will be offered. Treatments are generally directed at addressing the reason for the kidneys to function properly, so it is important to seek treatment at the first signs of trouble.

Step 4
Look at your legs, ankles and feet. Are you experiencing sudden and unaccustomed signs of swelling? This is caused by fluid retention, and is a sign that kidneys aren't flushing fluids from the body through urine as they should. Get your feet up to help reduce swelling and contact your physician.

Step 5
Take note! Early signs that your kidneys aren't functioning properly may not be noticed by yourself, but may be seen through blood tests that determine creatine, potassium and sodium levels in the blood.

Tips & Warnings

Always pay attention to your daily urine output levels. Average amounts of urine output for healthy individuals should be around 2 cups per day.

Left untreated, acute kidney failure may lead to shock, coma and death. Don't put off visiting your doctor or an emergency room if you suspect that something's wrong with your body!

How to Identify Symptoms of Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure, also known as renal failure, causes kidneys to stop functioning properly. Kidney function is essential to help rid the body of wastes as well as to produce various hormones that maintain balances and optimal function within the body. Kidney failure may occur as a result of a variety of causes, including but not limited to accidents, kidney stones, cancers, obstruction of blood vessels, and drug abuse. Renal or kidney failure may lead to uremia, chronic kidney failure, shock, coma or even death. Learning how to recognize and identify symptoms of acute kidney failure may avoid such complications and prompt control and recovery.

Step 1
Discovering a reduction in the amount of urine produced on a daily basis is one of the first indications that the kidneys aren't functioning properly. Certain medications or drugs may alter the ability of the kidneys to function properly, so paying attention to this symptom is important for prompt diagnosis.
Step 2

Feelings of ongoing fatigue and restlessness are also early-stage warnings of acute kidney or renal failure. Changes in blood pressure, unexplained bruising or severe itching is also felt by many individuals.

Step 3
Vomiting, nausea and appetite loss are several symptoms that appear in later stages of acute kidney failure.

Step 4
Decreasing amounts of urine output, or a complete lack of urine may also trigger alarm in those suffering from this condition.

Step 5
Experiencing unexplained changes in mental or emotional behavior also accompany the symptoms listed above, as does an increasing sense of lethargy that may lead to stupor and coma.

Tips & Warnings

Medical tests can determine kidney function, fluid and electrolyte balances in the body. Pay attention to your body and note changes in normal functions.

Kidney failure may lead to system failure that results in coma and death. Never take a 'wait and see' attitude when it comes to your body. If you notice a drastic decrease in urine output or any of the symptoms listed above, seek medical help immediately.

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