Kidney Failure in Dogs - How to treat them

How to Treat Kidney Failure in Dogs

Healthy kidneys excrete waste products from the body in the form of urine. Kidney failure, often called renal failure, occurs when the kidneys stop functioning properly. There are two types of kidney failure: acute and chronic. Acute kidney failure happens suddenly and is typically the result of dehydration, poisoning, shock, heat stroke or infection. Chronic kidney failure progresses over many years, and dogs often don't exhibit symptoms until the kidney failure is well advanced. Chronic renal failure is usually caused by old age, a genetic kidney defect, cancer, an immune system disease or canine kidney stones. With proper treatment, dogs suffering from kidney failure can live happily for many years.


Things You'll Need:

* Special diet
* Veterinarian
* Fresh water
* Blood and urine tests
* Multivitamin
* Hypertension medicine

Feed your dog a special diet. Dogs suffering from kidney failure need to eat dog food that is low in protein, salt and phosphorous. Foods high in protein can lead to increased nausea and vomiting, while high levels of phosphorous can cause mineral deposits to form in the malfunctioning kidneys. Because a low-protein diet can lead to malnutrition, many vets suggest feeding your dog a canned dog food designed for senior dogs. Hill's Prescription Diet offers a dog food especially formulated for dogs with kidney problems. (See Resources section.) Have your vet monitor your dog's weight and routinely check her for anemia, which is decreased red blood cell production.

Step 2
Make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Dogs suffering from renal failure urinate frequently, so they must drink a lot of water to keep from becoming dehydrated. Ask your vet about adding potassium to your dog's water to keep her electrolytes at the proper levels.

Step 3
Take your dog to the vet for periodic blood and urine tests. Urine and blood samples are used to test the various kidney functions and make sure your dog's condition hasn't worsened. Be sure to tell your vet about any changes in your dog's drinking, eating and elimination habits so he can make proper adjustments to your dog's diet, vitamins or medications.

Step 4
Give your dog a daily multivitamin supplement containing Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C. These supplements will help replenish the nutrients lost because of the inability of your dog's renal system to recycle and retain these vitamins in the body. Vitamin E taken along with Omega-3 supplements might slow the progression of kidney failure in your dog.

Step 5
Treat your dog's hypertension. Kidney failure can cause hypertension, or high blood pressure, in dogs. Treat this condition immediately since hypertension can increase the progression of kidney failure. Your veterinarian might choose to prescribe your dog an ACE inhibitor to keep the blood pressure levels in the normal range.

Step 6
Reduce your dog's stress levels. Because stress can cause increased blood pressure levels, it is important to keep your dog's life as stress free as possible. Keep your dog out of extreme heat and cold. Don't make any new changes to your dog's environment. Don't introduce any new pets to your household until your dog's health has improved.

Tips & Warnings

Consider asking your vet about holistic remedies that support canine kidneys. Some herbs, such as nettle, ginger root and golden seal, might help strengthen your dog's entire renal system. Regular acupuncture sessions might help slow the progression of kidney failure in dogs.

Kidney failure is a common cause of death in older dogs. Their kidneys just "wear out."

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